microsoft azure speech api

The speech API you referred to at the Azure marketplace is part of an AI Microsoft project called ProjectOxford which offers an array of APIs for computer vision, speech and language. These are all RESTful APIs, meaning that you will be constructing HTTP

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  • Convert spoken audio to text. The API can be directed to turn on and recognize audio comin...
    Bing Speech API - Speech Recognition Software | Microsoft Az ...
  • 銷售專線 1-800-867-1389 對 Azure 有任何疑問嗎?請連絡您的銷售團隊。 美國: 1-800-867-1389 美國: 1-800-867-1389 尋找當地電話...
    Bing Speech API - 語音辨識 | Microsoft Azure ...
  • The Bing Voice Recognition API lets you to increase the impact of your application by gett...
    Bing Voice Recognition (Beta) | Microsoft Azure Marketplace ...
  • The speech API you referred to at the Azure marketplace is part of an AI Microsoft project...
    c# - Calling SpeechAPI for text to speech on Azure - Stack ...
  • Microsoft Cognitive Services Microsoft Cognitive Services include a cross-platform REST se...
    Microsoft Speech - Windows app development
  • This is the documentation for Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.3, the native API for Windows....
    Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.3
  • Use Microsoft Speech API to add speech-driven actions to your apps, including real-time in...
    Microsoft Speech API overview
  • Hi, Windows’s built-in speech recognition API only works on client OS (such as Windows 7)....
    Speech recognition API Azure
  • With the Bing text to speech API, your application can send HTTP requests to a cloud serve...
    Text to Speech API of Microsoft Speech Service | Microsoft D ...
  • Microsoft Translator Speech API, part of the Microsoft Cognitive Services API collection, ...
    Translator Speech API - Microsoft Translator